Keto Iron Chef – Fasted Morning Bodyweight Exercises

Fasted Morning Bodyweight Exercises Is the protocol I use everyday during Keto + IF regimen, which is very useful to accelerate the energy during the day (increased body fat lipolysis), increase endurance and also effective for reducing appetite (Ghrelin hormone suppression) or avoiding any hypoglycaemia (Demand for Ketone Production) symptoms that could occurs during fasting.Continue reading “Keto Iron Chef – Fasted Morning Bodyweight Exercises”

Keto-Macronutrient Calculation (Harris Benedict Formula)

Keto-Macronutrient Calculation (Harris Benedict Formula) • Lean Body Mass (LBM) in Kg = Body Weight (kg) – Body Fat (kg) • Body Fat (kg) = Body Weight (kg) x Body Fat Percentage (BF%) • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) = 370 + (21,6 x LBM) • Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) = Activity Factor x BMRContinue reading “Keto-Macronutrient Calculation (Harris Benedict Formula)”

Physiology Insulin Resistant or Hidden Glycation on Keto Way of Eating (Keto-WOE)

Physiology Insulin Resistant or Hidden Glycation on Keto Way of Eating (Keto-WOE) As my experience of being a Naturopath & Keto-Dietician, I see many of my clients experiencing a fasting blood glucose elevation phenomenon over applying my Keto-Protocol for therapeutic purpose, which also apply Intermittent Fasting (IF) and sometimes I would suggest a Prolonged FastingContinue reading “Physiology Insulin Resistant or Hidden Glycation on Keto Way of Eating (Keto-WOE)”

Healing Crisis on Keto & Fasting

As you begin to change your diet with Keto and perhaps also with adding fasting (IF or PF), positive changes begin to happen within your body. The ideal reaction is the gradual development of an increased sense of well-being. At first you will notice that you do not tire so easily. You will have moreContinue reading “Healing Crisis on Keto & Fasting”